Trailer Mounted Packages
1. Twin trailer mounted packages
Al Shirawi had designed and manufactured twin trailer concept for surface well testing. Standard packages have been engineered and manufactured to satisfy the high standards demanded by the oil & gas industry and are delivered in a ready to use condition with all the required instrumentation, ancillaries and inter connections. The Process Trailer Packages comprise of two 40-ton payload desert application trailers equipped with all the necessary surface well testing equipment to perform all testing operations in the field.
The trailers are termed as Process Trailer designed for Zone area which comprises of all process equipment and secondary trailer termed as Utility trailer, designed for non-zoned area which consists of all support equipment.
Primary (Process) Trailer Specifications:
- 60 feet Primary Trailer length
- Process equipment such as Separators, Surge tank, Pumps skids, 10K/ 15K psi Choke manifolds, SSV manifolds, etc mounted trailer
- Explosion proof (Ex-D) lighting system
- Emergency Shutdown system (ESD)
- Zone rated system
- Data Acquisition system (DAS)

Utility Trailer Specification:
- 20' Office Container
- Diesel Generator sets
- Utility/ Instrument air compressor package
- Diesel storage system
- Piping package
- Flood lights

2. Cost conscious packages
Al Shirawi has designed & developed cost conscious single trailer package to cater the low budgeted oil market. This is a single trailer package comprises both process equipment & utility system. The package consists of Separators, Pumps skids, 10K/ 15K psi Choke manifolds, SSV, data header, lab container, generator & compressor.